Stroke Foundation
The Stroke Foundation of New Zealand website offers contacts and help throughout the country and a wealth of resources. VCS were proud to provide the website for the Stroke Foundation for almost 10 years, seeing the search traffic increase year on year. The site offered an online shop, and captured enquiries for volunteers in one of four regions of New Zealand. It steered visitors towards making donations and bequests.
Useful information ranged from recognising stroke FAST, preventing strokes, recognition of mini strokes (TIAs) and living with Stroke. We helped publicise important campaigns such as Blood Pressure, Salt-reduction and the all important Act F.A.S.T. campaign.
Remember these and act FAST!
- Face - SMILE (is one side droopy?)
- Arms - RAISE BOTH ARMS (is one side weak?)
- Speech - SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (slurred? Unable to?)
- Time - Lost time could be lost brain, get to hospital FAST
In 2018 Stroke Foundation commissioned a new Drupal 8 site and VCS Websites were pleased to be able to continue with hosting and maintenance.